Root chakra
The root chakra, called Muladhara, sits at the bottom of your spine, near your tailbone. It’s like a battery for your life energy and is all about your basic needs—like eating, sleeping, and drinking water. When you unlock this chakra, your body gets stronger and you’re less likely to get sick with things like coughs and colds. It also helps you protect yourself from negative vibes and keeps you feeling stable and grounded.
Sacral chakra
The sacral chakra, known as Swadhisthana, is found near your reproductive organs. It’s all about feelings, desires, and sensuality, including your sexual urges. According to ancient texts, when you open this chakra, it can help you become more aware and elevate your energy from the base chakra to higher levels.
Solar Plexus chakra
The Solar Plexus chakra, also called Manipura, sits near your belly button. It’s in charge of your digestion and metabolism, according to yoga beliefs. When you open it up, you feel more confident and in control, giving you a boost to tackle life head-on. Some say it even opens the door to astral travel.
Heart chakra